Psychology of pre-schoolchildren + Social psychology

Beder Ya. : Psychological correction of defective self-regulation in retarder children 83'4 p.70
Belopol'skaya N. L. : Emotional reaction to failure correction in retarded children 92'1 p.33
Peresleni L. I. : The possibilities of cognitive activity structure examination by prognostication characteristics in children 93'4 p.109
Bykova L. C. , Kravtsov K. G. , Gulinskaya O. A. , Kulikov M. A. : The comparison of dichotic test results in junior schoolchildren (boarding school for blind children and common school pupils) 96'1 p.115
Asmolov A. G. , Tsvetkov A. V. : The role of symbolic representation in formation of emotions in retarded primary school children 05'1 p.19