Psychology of schoolchildren + Psychology in general

Liders A. G. : Deim L. , Lehr U. , Olbrich E. , Undeutsch V. Langschnittuntersuchung uber die Wirkung fruhzeitiger motorischer Stimulation auf die gesamtenwicklung des Kindes im 4. -6. Lebensjahr (in Russian) 83'1 p.154
: In the department of psychology and age physiology of the USSR APN. Significance of psychophysiological studies for educational psychology 83'5 p.137
Breslav G. M. : Problems of emotional regulation of communication in preschool children 84'3 p.53
Kaplunovich I. Ya. : Content of thinking operations in the structiure of spatial thinking 87'6 p.115
Ibragimov H. I. : Percertual differentiation and operational thinking in 4-8-years-old chidren 88'1 p.158
Lysuk L. G. : Some characteristics of early stages of consciousness ontogenesis 93'2 p.26
Slobodskaya E. R. : Temperament at an early age: Parental estimates and family characteristics 95'6 p.104
Tambiev A. E. , Medvedev S. D. , Litvinenko O. V. : Development of the main characteristics of attention in children 03'3 p.118
Prokhorov A. O. , Velieva S. V. : Psychological states of pre-school children 03'5 p.56
Sukharev A. V. , Timokhin V. V. , Shaporeva A. A. : The ethnofunctional approach in child oncology 04'3 p.37