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maladie creatrice
Sirotkina I. E. The concept of "Maladie creatrice" in N. N. Bazhenov works;

manual asymmetry
Maryutina T. M. The heredity models in manual asymmetry formation;

Maslow A.
Piskoppel A. A. Human nature according to A. Maslow concepts;

mathematic thinking
Atahanov R. General characteristics of thinking and mathematical thinking in particular 51;

Matyushkin A.M.
To the 70th anniversary of A. M. Matyushkin; 97'6,p.150 (in Russian)

Melnikov V.M.
60-th anniversary of V. M. Mel'nikov; 95'3,p.158 (in Russian)

Zinchenko V. P. To the friend's memory;
I International conference dedicated to A. R. Luria's memory; 97'6,p.135 (in Russian)
International conference dedicated to D. A. Oshanin memory; 97'4,p.152 (in Russian)
Bolotova A. K. For the memory of Teacher (to the 100th anniversary of D. G. El'kin);
Zaika E. V., Nazarova N. P., Marenich LA. Concerning play training of schoolchildren for the development of thinking, imagination and memory;

Menchinskaya N.A.
Conference on the problems of learning psychology (to the 90-th anniversary of N. A. Menchinskaya); 96'2,p.148 (in Russian)
Yakimanskaya LS. The problems of education and of development in N. A. Menchinskaya's works;

mental development
Mit'kin A. A. Psychology of intellectual development: A new system paradigm; 98'4,p.138 (in Russian)
Davydov V. V A new textbook on developmental psychology; 98'4,p.137 (in Russian)
Il'yasov I. I. Psychology of cognitive development and education; 96'3,p.138 (in Russian)

mental health
Kholmogorova A. B., Garanyan N. G. Culture, emotions and psychic health;

mental retardation
Belopolskaya N. L. Zone's of proximal development cognitive and affective components in mentally retarded children;

Merlin V.S.
Klimov E. A. The lines to V. S. Merlin's portrait;
Vyatkin B. A., Silina E. A. V. S. Merlin - researcher and educator;

Khomskaya E. D. The study of psyche biological basis from neuropsychologic point of view;

Mirakyan A.I.
A. I. Mirakyan; 95'4,p.155 (in Russian)

Repkin V. R., Repkina G. V., Zaika E. V. Psychological-pedagogical monitoring in learning activity;

Moscow Psychological Society
Zhdan A. N. Moscow Psychological society (1885-1922); 95'4,p.82 (in Russian)
Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. The 110-th anniversary of Moscow Psychological Society; 95'3,p.154 (in Russian)

Petrakova T. I., Limonova D. L., Men'shikova E. S. Situative motivation of drug abuse in adolescents;
Chirkov V. I. Interpersonal connections, inner motivation and self-regulation;
Kornilova T. V. Theoretical constructs and psychological reality in motivation indices by Edwards' questionnaire;
Chirkov V. I. Self-determination and inner motivation of human behavior;
Belous V. V., Kopan' T. V. The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality;

Verbitsky A. A., Bakshaeva N. A. Motive transformation in context education theory;

Mukhina V.S.
We congratulate V. S. Moukhina; 95'3,p.156 (in Russian)

mutual trust
Skripkina T. P. Mutual trust as a basis of personal interactions;

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