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Shcheblanova E. I., Averina I. S., Heller C. A., Perleth C. Gifted students identification as the first stage in longitude study of giftedness;

Sapogova Ye. Ye. Down the rabbit-hole: Metaphor and nonsense in child's imagination;
Zaika E. V., Nazarova N. P., Marenich LA. Concerning play training of schoolchildren for the development of thinking, imagination and memory;

individual differences
Aminev G. A. New approach to neuro-structural foundation of individual differences; 99'2,p.114 (in Russian)
Balanchivadze L. V. Individual-psychological differences in musical performance; 98'2,p.151 (in Russian)
Stroganova T. A., Orekhova E. V. Psychophysiology of individual differences in early childhood: Moderm state of problem;
D'yachenko O. M. Intellectual differences in child's development;
Trofimova I. N. Individual differences from the point of view of evolutional-synergic approach;

Belous V. V., Drokina I. N. Specificity of integral individuality structures in senior schoolchildren depending on solidarity of educative groups;
Belous V. V., Kopan' T. V. The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality;

integral indnviduality
Belous V. V., Drokina I. N. Specificity of integral individuality structures in senior schoolchildren depending on solidarity of educative groups;
Belous V. V., Kopan' T. V. The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality;

intellectual activity
Mustafin A. M. Correlation between skin bio-active points and psychological factors;

D'yachenko O. M. Intellectual differences in child's development;

Antonova N. V. Personal identity in foreign social psychology;

interhemispheric asymmetry
Moskvin V. A. Interhemispheric asymmetry and alcoholism;
Moskvin V. A. Hemispheric asymmetry and problems of colour perception;

Shotter J. M. M. Bakhtin and L. S. Vygotsky: internalization as a «boundary phenomenon»;

interpersonal relationships
Chirkov V. I. Interpersonal connections, inner motivation and self-regulation;
Kondrat'ev M. Yu. Characteristics of interpersonal relations in specialized boarding schools;

intrapersonal contradiction
Mitina L. M., Kuz'menkova O. V. Psychological trends of teacher's interpersonal contradictions;

Zinchenko V. P. N. A. Bernstein's intuition: Movement is a living thing;

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