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C.G.Jung's archetype theory
Zavershneva E. Yu. Metamorphised forms in C. G. Jung's archetype theory;

Kornilova T. V. Individual ways of categorization of subjective risk;
Lusin D. V. Emotion categorization empirical analysis;

cerebral asymmetry
Moskvin V. A. Interhemispheric asymmetry and alcoholism;
Moskvin V. A. Hemispheric asymmetry and problems of colour perception;

Morosanova V. I. Self-regulating styles of students with different types of character accentuations;

Chelpanov G.I.
Martsinkovskaya T. D., Yaroshevsky M. G. Unknown pages of G. I. Chelpanov's works;
Bogdanchikov S. A. G. I. Chelpanov's scientific and administrative activity in Kiev University;
Bogdanchikov S. A. Why was G. I. Chelpanov discharged? (Historiography of the fact);
Gordon G. O. Out of reminiscences about G. I. Chelpanov;

child psychology
Davydov V. V A new textbook on developmental psychology; 98'4,p.137 (in Russian)
M. I. Lisina and modern child psychology; 99'4,p.112 (in Russian)
Ouzilevsky G. Ya. Organical psychology: Actual, necessary, useful; 98'4,p.135 (in Russian)

child rearing
Sukharev A. V. Ethno-functional approach to psycho-prevention and bringing up;

Chudnovsky V.E.
To the 75th anniversary of V. E. Chudnovsky; 99'5,p.157 (in Russian)
In Russian Humanitarian Scientific foundation; 99'5,p.152 (in Russian)

Chuprikova N.I.
To N. I. Chuprikova's anniversary; 98'6,p.115 (in Russian)

classical psychology
Zinchenko V. P. From classic psychology to organic one;
Zinchenko V. P. From classic psychology to organic one;

Velichkovsky B. M. From levels of processing to stratification of cognition:;
Davydov V. V., Zinchenko V. P. Object activity and ontogenesis of cognition;

cognitive activity
Lebedeva S. A. Preschoolers' learning activity forming based on schematization;
Trofimova I. N. The correlation of temperamental characteristics and certain features of cognitive activity;

cognitive approach
Kurgansky A. V. Mathematical modelling of movements: Synergetic and cognitivistic approaches;

cognitive development
Shcheblanova T. I. Peculiarities of cognitive and motivational-personality development of gifted senior schoolchildren;
Belopolskaya N. L. Zone's of proximal development cognitive and affective components in mentally retarded children;
Dumitrashku T. A. Family structure and child's cognitive development;

cognitive level
Mil'rud R. P. Correlation between optical illusions and cognitive level;

cognitive need
Vasyukova E. E. Cognitive need: The levels of development and manifestation in thinking;

cognitive psychology
Antonova N. V. Personal identity in foreign social psychology;

cognitive sphere
Zaika E. V., Lantushko G. N. The games for learning emancipation in schoolchildren;

collective-family therapy
Hirshhorn G. L. The cross-culture relevance of family-collective psychotherapy in the changing political paradigme;

color perception
Moskvin V. A. Hemispheric asymmetry and problems of colour perception;

Smirnova E. O. M. I. Lisina's communication concept and its significance for Russian psychology;
Simonenko S. I. Psychological cues for the assessment of trustworthiness and falsity of reports;
Antonova N. V. Teacher's identity and his communicative features;
Kurek N. S. Mother's and teenager-daughter's emotional contacts as a factor of addictive behavior forming;
Smirnova E. O. Child — adult communication problem in L. S. Vygotsky's and M. I. Lisina's works;

Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G. Subject's internal activity in individual consciousness amplification;
Ivanova T. V. Ecological values in social consciousness;
Kucherenko V. V., Petrenko V. F., Rossokhin A. V. Altered states of consciousness: Psychological analysis;
Khotinets V. Yu. Ethnical self-consciousness formation in the course of higher education;
Gordeeva O. V. Negative consequences of methodological orientation to Marxism in consciousness studies (the analysis of A. N. Leont'ev's works);
Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G. The experience of common to all mankind values - cultural symbols - consolidation in individual consciousness;

context training
Verbitsky A. A., Bakshaeva N. A. Motive transformation in context education theory;

cooperative activity
Rubtsov V. V. Joint learning activity in the problem of social interaction and learning context;
Dontsov A. I., Dubovskaya E. M., Ulanovskaya I. M. A framework for analysis of joint activity criteria;
Barilenko N. V. Senior preschoolers' interrelaions in joint activity;

Pines D. The psychoanalytic dialogue: Transference and countertransference;

Torshina K. A Creativity studies in modem foreign psychology;
Razoumnikova O. M., Shemelina O. S. Personal and cognitive features interaction in experimental evaluation of creativity;
Dorfman L. Ya., Kovaleva G. V. The main trends in studies of creativeness in science and art;

cross-cultural study
Stetsenko A., Little T., Oettingen G., Baltes P. Agency, control and means-ends beliefs about school performance in schoolchildren: Cross-cultural study;

cultural-anthropological prototype
Orlov A. B. Humanism with a face of cultural-anthropological prototype: russian variant;

cultural-historical development
Pavlenko V. N. Cultural-historical development of mental processes and the theory of stage formation of mental acts;

cultural symbol
Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G. The experience of common to all mankind values - cultural symbols - consolidation in individual consciousness;

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