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Bakhtin M.M.
Melik-Pashaev A. A. L. S. Vygotsky and M. M. Bakhtin: Preparatory data to the dialogue which has not taken place;
Zinchenko V. P. G. G. Shpet and M. M. Bakhtin (opponents or like-minded persons?);
Shotter J. M. M. Bakhtin and L. S. Vygotsky: internalization as a «boundary phenomenon»;

Bardin K.V.
K. V. Bardin; 96'2,p.155 (in Russian)

Kondrat'ev M. Yu., Kochetkova T. N. Practice-oriented psychology: Overcoming the barier between fundamental science and practice; 97'6,p.131 (in Russian)

Batuyev A.S.
To the 69-th anniversary of A. S. Batuev; 95'5,p.143 (in Russian)

Bazhenov N.N.
Sirotkina I. E. The concept of "Maladie creatrice" in N. N. Bazhenov works;

Simonenko S. I. Behavior of an applicant in the process of job interview as a factor of establishment of trust;
Meshcheryakov B. G. L. S. Vygotsky's concept's logical-semantic analysis: Behavior forms systematics and the laws of higher psychic functions development;
Adolescents' deviant behavior: reasons, trends, social defense forms; 98'6,p.104 (in Russian)
Kleiberg Yu. A. Psychology of deviant behavior; 98'5,p.141 (in Russian)
Yaroshevsky M. G. History of behavior interpretation by Vygotsky - Luria scientific school;
Science of behavior: Round-table talk; 98'1,p.151 (in Russian)
Jacobson S. G., Feshchenko T. I. Forming of potential positive self-image as means to regulate pre-schoolers' behaviour;
Kurek N. S. Mother's and teenager-daughter's emotional contacts as a factor of addictive behavior forming;
Chirkov V. I. Self-determination and inner motivation of human behavior;
Veraksa N. E., D'yachenko O. M. The means of behavior regulation in pre-schoolers;
Slobodskaya E. R. Temperament at an early age: Parental estimates and family characteristics;
Yaroshevsky M. G. Walter Cannon, Ivan Pavlov and the problem of emotional behavior;
Kopina O. S., McAlister A. The approaches to behavior changes due to. medical preventive programs in the USA;
Soboleva M. V. Imitative behavior in early ontogenesis: an experience of a study;
Yaroshevsky M. G. The science of behavior: Russian way;
Lebedev A. N., Bokovikov A. K. Consumer's economic behavior and the theory of activity;

Znakov V. V. Person's spirituality mirrored in psychological knowledge and in religious faith;

Bernstein N.A.
Zinchenko V. P. N. A. Bernstein's intuition: Movement is a living thing;

Binet A.
Nikolskaya A. A. A. Binet as one of the founders of experimental psychology;

Bodaliov A.A.
A. A. Bodalev is 75 years old; 98'6,p.111 (in Russian)

Bozhovich L.I.
Prikhozhan A. M., Tolstykh N. N. «Interesting psychology»: L. S. Vygotsky and L. I. Bozhovich;
L. I. Bozhovich and contemporary psychology of development; 99'2,p.120 (in Russian)

brain asymmetry
Moskvin V. A. Interhemispheric asymmetry and alcoholism;
Moskvin V. A. Hemispheric asymmetry and problems of colour perception;

business play
Borisova S. E. Social-psychological training by means of business play;

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