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D'yachenko O. M. The problems of abilities' development: Before and after L. S. Vygotsky;
Poluyanov Yu. A. A method for combinatorial abilities diagnostics;
Melik-Pashaev A. A. Concerning the source of creative abilities;
Bolotova L. K. New approach to abilities problem; 97'2,p.136 (in Russian)
Borisova E. M., Loginova G. P., Mdivani M. O. Diagnostics of managerial abilities;
Kabardov M. K., Artsyshevskaya E. V. The types of linguistic and communicative abilities and competence;
Aminov N. A. Differential approach to structural analysis of main components of pedagogical abilities;
Chuprikova NJ. Reaction time and intelligence: why they are correlating (Concerning brain discriminative ability);
Zaitsev S. V. Evaluation of educator's ability for decentration;

abnormal development
Belopolskaya N. L. Zone's of proximal development cognitive and affective components in mentally retarded children;

achievement motivation
Petrakova T. I., Limonova D. L., Men'shikova E. S. Situative motivation of drug abuse in adolescents;
Chirkov V. I. Interpersonal connections, inner motivation and self-regulation;
Kornilova T. V. Theoretical constructs and psychological reality in motivation indices by Edwards' questionnaire;
Chirkov V. I. Self-determination and inner motivation of human behavior;
Belous V. V., Kopan' T. V. The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality;

Khasan B. I., Tyumeneva Yu. A. Special features of social norms' appropriation by children of different genders;

Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G. Subject's internal activity in individual consciousness amplification;
Volochkov A. A., Vyatkin B. A. Individual style of learning activity in junior schoolchildren;
Gorbacheva E. I. Object orientation of thinking as the basis of semantic selectivity;
Osnitsky A. K., Chuikova T. S. Self-regulation of person's activity when becoming unemployed;
Mustafin A. M. Correlation between skin bio-active points and psychological factors;
Osnitsky A. K. The experience of a study: subject activity of a student;
Konopkin O. A. Mental self-regulation In voluntary activity (structural-functional aspect);

Nesmelova N. N. Individual-typological features of orienting reaction: Their role in operator's adaptation prediction;
Zavadenko N. N., Petrukhin A. S., Suvorinova N. Yu., Uspenskaya T. Yu., Manelis N. G., Borisova T. Kh. Learning problems in schoolchildren: Psychoneurological and neuropsychological study;
Venger A. L., Desyatnikova Yu. M. Group training of senior schoolchildren for their social adaptation;

addictive behavior
Kurek N. S. Mother's and teenager-daughter's emotional contacts as a factor of addictive behavior forming;

Kravtsov G. G. The unity principle of affect and intellect as a basis for personal approach in the education;

altered state of consciousness
Kucherenko V. V., Petrenko V. F., Rossokhin A. V. Altered states of consciousness: Psychological analysis;

amplification of consciousness
Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G. Subject's internal activity in individual consciousness amplification;

Ananiev B.G.
Krylov A. A., Kunitsina V. N., Loginova H. A. To the 90th anniversary of remarkable Russian psychologist B. G. Anan'ev;

Andreyeva G.M.
To the anniversary of G. M. Andreeva; 99'3,p.121 (in Russian)

anthropological principle
Slobodchikov V. I., Isaev E. I. Anthropological principle in developmental psychology;

Meshcheryakov B. G. Psychological problems of education anthropologization;

D'yachenko O. M. The problems of abilities' development: Before and after L. S. Vygotsky;
Poluyanov Yu. A. A method for combinatorial abilities diagnostics;
Melik-Pashaev A. A. Concerning the source of creative abilities;
Bolotova L. K. New approach to abilities problem; 97'2,p.136 (in Russian)
Borisova E. M., Loginova G. P., Mdivani M. O. Diagnostics of managerial abilities;
Kabardov M. K., Artsyshevskaya E. V. The types of linguistic and communicative abilities and competence;
Aminov N. A. Differential approach to structural analysis of main components of pedagogical abilities;
Chuprikova NJ. Reaction time and intelligence: why they are correlating (Concerning brain discriminative ability);
Zaitsev S. V. Evaluation of educator's ability for decentration;

Zavershneva E. Yu. Metamorphised forms in C. G. Jung's archetype theory;

Khasan B. I., Tyumeneva Yu. A. Special features of social norms' appropriation by children of different genders;

attachment theory
Smirnova E. O., Radeva R. The development of attachment theory (after P. Crittenden);
Smirnova E. O. Theory of attachment: the concept and the experiment;

Yakobson S. G., Safonova N. M. Volitional attention formation in preschoolers;

Kondakov I. M. Adolescents' professional plans diagnostics;
Lebedev A. N., Bokovikov A. K. Consumer's economic behavior and the theory of activity;

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