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Pedagogical and development psychology

Pantina N. S.
An experience in psychologo-pedagogical programming of learning to read by the preschoolers, 95'2 p.42

Ermolova T. V., Komogortseva I. S.
Temporal aspect of self-image in senior preschoolers, 95'2 p.47

Savina E. A.
The peculiarities of 5—10 years old children's view on a soul, 95'3 p.21

Menchinskaya N. A.
The pages of a diary: Daughter's development, 95'3 p.90

Batuev A. S., Kashchavtsev A. G., Soboleva M. V.
Newbom enfants' visual tracking in the situation of choice, 95'3 p.114

Surnina O. E., Lupandin V. L., Pustueva N. V., Yezhitsa L. N.
Cross-modal choice in preschoolers' time evaluation, 95'3 p.133

Soboleva M. V.
Imitative behavior in early ontogenesis: an experience of a study, 95'4 p.108

Aranovskaya-Dubovis D. M., Zaika E. V.
A. V. Zaporozhets' ideas on schoolchild's personality development, 95'5 p.87

Ermakova E. S.
The study of psychological mechanism of preschooler's thinking flexibility, 96'1 p.124

Sapogova Y. Y.
Down the rabbit-hole: Metaphor and nonsense in child's imagination, 96'2 p.5

Pukhova T. I.
The development of child's views on family interrelations, 96'2 p.14

Dumitrashku T. A.
Family structure and child's cognitive development, 96'2 p.104

Smirnova E. O., Utrobina V. G.
The attitude to a peer in pre-schoolers and its development, 96'3 p.5

Veraksa N. E., D'yachenko O. M.
The means of behavior regulation in pre-schoolers, 96'3 p.14

Menchinskaya N. A.
Child's development during first year of life (Grandmother's diary), 96'3 p.72

Galiguzova L. N.
The problem of child's social isolation, 96'3 p.101

Avdeeva N. N.
The development of a child's self-image during the first three years of life, 96'4 p.5

Podd'yakov A. N.
Preschoolers' thinking during experimenting with complex objects, 96'4 p.14

Barilenko N. V.
Senior preschoolers' interrelaions in joint activity, 96'4 p.24

Batuev A. S., Kashchavtsev A. G., Soboleva M. V.
Visual preference as a manifestation of affection during the first year of life, 96'4 p.127

Kravtsova E. E.
Psychological new formations of pre-school age, 96'6 p.64

Subbotsky E. V.
L. S. Vygotsky's distinction between lower and higher mental functions and recent studies on infant cognitive development, 96'6 p.88

Belopolskaya N. L.
Zone's of proximal development cognitive and affective components in mentally retarded children, 97'1 p.19

Batov V. I.
Psychological analysis of child's drawing on Tchernobyl tragedy, 97'1 p.26

Abdurasulova T. D.
Normative diagnostics of psychological prerequisites for school education readiness in 4-5-year-olds, 97'2 p.23

Tsetlin M. M., Stroganova T. A.
Temperamental features in enfants suffering early visual deprivation, 97'2 p.34

Jacobson S. G., Feshchenko T. I.
Forming of potential positive self-image as means to regulate pre-schoolers' behaviour, 97'3 p.3

Avdeeva N. N.
Child's attachment to mother and self-image in early childhood, 97'4 p.3

Boomsma D. I., van B. G. C. M.
Genetic influences on childhood IQ study in 5- and 7-year old Dutch twins, 97'4 p.117

D'yachenko O. M.
Intellectual differences in child's development, 97'4 p.138

Lebedeva S. A.
Preschoolers' learning activity forming based on schematization, 97'5 p.20

Romanova V.
Cross-culture studies of enfants' psychology, 97'5 p.118

Galiguzova L. N.
Child's intellectual development problems: Theory, experiment, practice, (in Russian) 97'5 p.136

Mukhamedrakhimov R. Z.
Interaction and attachment between mother and infant in risk groups, 98'2 p.18

Smirnova E. O., Kalyagina E. V.
Popular and rejected pre-schoolers' attitude to peers, 98'3 p.50

Yaglovskaya E. K.
Concerning group interrelations of gifted pre-schoolers, 98'3 p.61

Filippova G. G.
Comparative-psychological study of enlivening complex, 98'6 p.24

Il'ina S. V.
The influence of violence experienced in childhood on personal disorders' formation, 98'6 p.65

Polivanova K. N.
Specific characteristics of development in transitional periods (1-year crisis), 99'1 p.42

Ermolova T. V., Meshchryakova S. Y., Ganoshenko N. I.
Special features of preschoolers' personal development before and during 7-years-crisis, 99'1 p.50

Smirnova E. O., Radeva R.
The development of attachment theory (after P. Crittenden), 99'1 p.105

Antonova G. P., Ikunina Z. I., Antonova I. P., Antonova N. A.
The influence of senior preschoolers' intellect on educative efficacy, 99'2 p.12
Developmental problems of children brought up in orphanages and boarding schools, (in Russian) 99'2 p.118

Ermakova E. S.
Preschoolers' thinking flexibility forming, 99'4 p.28

Yakobson S. G., Safonova N. M.
Volitional attention formation in preschoolers, 99'5 p.3

Smirnova E. O., Sobkin V. S., Asadulina O. E., Novakovskaya A. A.
Preschoolers' living in incomplete families: Specificity of emotional-personal sphere, 99'6 p.18

Loukovtseva Z. V., Baz L. L.
Psychic development of a prematurely born child, 99'6 p.29

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