" Voprosy psychologii "
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Higher mental functions (perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech etc.)

Konopkin O. A.
Mental self-regulation In voluntary activity (structural-functional aspect), 95'1 p.5

Chuprikova N.
Reaction time and intelligence: why they are correlating (Concerning brain discriminative ability), 95'4 p.65

Oushakova T. N., Latynov V. V.
Appreciative aspect of conflict communication, 95'5 p.33

Atahanov R.
General characteristics of thinking and mathematical thinking in particular 51, 95'5 p.41

Kabardov M. K., Artsyshevskaya E. V.
The types of linguistic and communicative abilities and competence, 96'1 p.34

Zaika E. V.
Exercises for image-spatial and verbal thinking interaction development, 96'2 p.24

Kornilova T. V.
Theoretical constructs and psychological reality in motivation indices by Edwards' questionnaire, 97'1 p.63

Trofimova I. N.
The correlation of temperamental characteristics and certain features of cognitive activity, 97'1 p.74

Nguyen-Xuan A., Shao J.
Mental decisions and problem solving strategy, 97'1 p.82

Mil'rud R. P.
Correlation between optical illusions and cognitive level, 97'1 p.114

Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G.
The experience of common to all mankind values - cultural symbols - consolidation in individual consciousness, 97'5 p.44

Panov V. I.
Immediate-sensoric level of object movement and stability perception, 98'2 p.82

Kucherenko V. V., Petrenko V. F., Rossokhin A. V.
Altered states of consciousness: Psychological analysis, 98'3 p.70

Krol' V. M.
Psychological mechanisms of visual perception process: Integrative model, 98'6 p.44

Kaplunovich I. Y.
Psychological characteristics of spatial cognition, 99'1 p.60

Lusin D. V.
Emotion categorization empirical analysis, 99'2 p.50

Gorbacheva E. I.
Object orientation of thinking as the basis of semantic selectivity, 99'3 p.67

Velichkovsky B. M.
From levels of processing to stratification of cognition:, 99'4 p.58

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