" Voprosy psychologii "
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Konopkin O. A.
Mental self-regulation In voluntary activity (structural-functional aspect), 95'1 p.5

Pavlenko V. N.
Cultural-historical development of mental processes and the theory of stage formation of mental acts, 95'1 p.53

Cole M.
Cultural mechanisms of development, 95'3 p.5

Yaroshevsky M. G.
The science of behavior: Russian way, 95'4 p.5

Chuprikova N.
Reaction time and intelligence: why they are correlating (Concerning brain discriminative ability), 95'4 p.65

Troitsky M. M.
Modem concept of aims and methods of psychology (address on the first Moscow Psychological society meeting, March 14, 1885), 95'4 p.93

Oushakova T. N., Latynov V. V.
Appreciative aspect of conflict communication, 95'5 p.33

Atahanov R.
General characteristics of thinking and mathematical thinking in particular 51, 95'5 p.41

Snegireva T. V.
Meaning and symbol in projective pictures, 95'6 p.20

Belous V. V., Kopan' T. V.
The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality, 95'6 p.96

Slobodskaya E. R.
Temperament at an early age: Parental estimates and family characteristics, 95'6 p.104

Osnitsky A. K.
The experience of a study: subject activity of a student, 96'1 p.5

Kabardov M. K., Artsyshevskaya E. V.
The types of linguistic and communicative abilities and competence, 96'1 p.34

Augenberg I. V.
Dynamics of the formation of psycho-physical scales in schoolchildren, 96'1 p.108

Zaika E. V.
Exercises for image-spatial and verbal thinking interaction development, 96'2 p.24

Zinchenko V. P.
From classic psychology to organic one, 96'5 p.7

Davydov V. V.
The notion of activity as a basis for the studies of L. S. Vygotsky's scientific school, 96'5 p.20

Zinchenko V. P.
From classic psychology to organic one, 96'6 p.6

Vasilyuk F. E.
Methodological sense of psychological split, 96'6 p.25

Wells G.
Making meaning with text: A genetic approach to the mediating role of writing in activity, 96'6 p.92

Kornilova T. V.
Theoretical constructs and psychological reality in motivation indices by Edwards' questionnaire, 97'1 p.63

Trofimova I. N.
The correlation of temperamental characteristics and certain features of cognitive activity, 97'1 p.74

Nguyen-Xuan A., Shao J.
Mental decisions and problem solving strategy, 97'1 p.82

Mil'rud R. P.
Correlation between optical illusions and cognitive level, 97'1 p.114

Muskhelishvili N. L., Schreider Y. A.
The meaning of text as the inner image, 97'3 p.79

Khomskaya E. D.
Concerning methodological problems of modern psychology, 97'3 p.112

Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G.
The experience of common to all mankind values - cultural symbols - consolidation in individual consciousness, 97'5 p.44

Meshcheryakov B. G.
Psychological problems of education anthropologization, 98'1 p.20

Belous V. V.
Approaching integrative developmental psychology, 98'2 p.10

Panov V. I.
Immediate-sensoric level of object movement and stability perception, 98'2 p.82

Kucherenko V. V., Petrenko V. F., Rossokhin A. V.
Altered states of consciousness: Psychological analysis, 98'3 p.70

Znakov V. V.
Person's spirituality mirrored in psychological knowledge and in religious faith, 98'3 p.104

Bermus A. G.
Natural-scientific paradigm in psychology: The choice of reference-points, 98'4 p.79

Davydov V. V., Zinchenko V. P.
Object activity and ontogenesis of cognition, 98'5 p.11

Gromyko Y. V.
The construction of social practice by educational means, 98'5 p.37

Isaev E. I., Slobodchikov V. I.
General psychology, (in Russian) 98'5 p.102
Discussion on theoretical psychology problems, (in Russian) 98'5 p.154

Slobodchikov V. I., Isaev E. I.
Anthropological principle in developmental psychology, 98'6 p.3

Krol' V. M.
Psychological mechanisms of visual perception process: Integrative model, 98'6 p.44
International congress on activity, (in Russian) 98'6 p.101

Kaplunovich I. Y.
Psychological characteristics of spatial cognition, 99'1 p.60

Ispolatova E. N., Nikolaeva T. P.
Modified technics of early person's recollections, 99'1 p.69

Osnitsky A. K., Chuikova T. S.
Self-regulation of person's activity when becoming unemployed, 99'1 p.92

Derkach A. A.
The problems of life sense, (in Russian) 99'1 p.119

Yurevich A. V.
System crisis in psychology, 99'2 p.3

Bogoyavlenskaya D. B.
«Activity subject» in creativity context, 99'2 p.35

Lusin D. V.
Emotion categorization empirical analysis, 99'2 p.50

Piskoppel A. A.
Human nature according to A. Maslow concepts, 99'2 p.75

Gorbacheva E. I.
Object orientation of thinking as the basis of semantic selectivity, 99'3 p.67

Velichkovsky B. M.
From levels of processing to stratification of cognition:, 99'4 p.58
Psychological, philosophical and axiological problems of life sense, (in Russian) 99'4 p.115

Buyakas T. M., Zevina O. G.
Subject's internal activity in individual consciousness amplification, 99'5 p.50

Ross L., Ward A.
Naive realism in everyday life: Implications for the dynamics of social conflict, 99'5 p.61

Znakov V. V.
Machiavellianism and fib phenomenon, 99'6 p.59

Kornilova T. V.
Individual ways of categorization of subjective risk, 99'6 p.128

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