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97' 2, page 34

Tsetlin M. M., Stroganova T. A.
Temperamental features in enfants suffering early visual deprivation

Remote consequences of early visual deficit (lack of information on visual patterns) for temperamental development were examined. Temperamental characteristics by Balleyguier scale were estimated in 24 enfants (6-36 months old) during different periods after bilateral cataract removal and correction of eyesight by lenses. Comparison of these data with normative ones shows two independent styles of behaviour in infants with early visual deprivation. One of them is characterized by negative emotional background and avoidance strategy prevalence. The other is connected to high innep strain and self-stimulation, generalized discharging and aggression prevalence. The extent of emperamental features does not vary according to time since deprivation period. The existence of critical period in self-regulation systems development during the first 6 months of life is stated.

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