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96' 1, page 115

Bykova L. C., Kravtsov K. G., Gulinskaya O. A., Kulikov M. A.
The comparison of dichotic test results in junior schoolchildren (boarding school for blind children and common school pupils)

Brain activity study by means of dichotic listening test in 39 blind and visually impaired junior schoolchildren and in 55 their healthy peers is analysed. Left hemisphere dominance in verbal function is observed in about 50% of children (both groups) in the beginning of the first school year and it significantly increases to the end of the third school year (both groups too). Memory and its effectiveness are negatively correlated to the number of errors and this effect is more marked in the group of blind children (significantly increasing in this group from the first to the third school year). Some schoolchildren show positive correlation between memory and its effectiveness and academic progress. Practical measures for individualized education based on dichotic test results are offered.

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