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Psychological-pedagogical correction of subjective attitude towards nature in ecological education

V. A. Jasvin

Psychological mechanisms of animals' and plants' perception and human's interaction with them are considered. The methods and ways of ecological education using these mechanisms and aimed at humane attitude towards nature are discussed. Untraditional active form of ecological education - eco-psychological training - is offered.


Psychological analysis of student's ideological categorical structure

S. V. Tarasov

The process of schoolchildren's understanding and evaluation of nature is considered. It is determined by those categorical structures which a person uses for world's perception. The development of such structures depending on age and social factors is described.


Possible directions of psychological-pedagogical influence on learning groups

A. V. Sidorenkov

Psychological-pedagogical influence consists of the formation of conditions, means (activity and contacts) and motive powers (controversies) of personal and group development. One of possible though insufficiently explored ways is controversies' in learning group intensification. Such an intensification makes it possible to solve educational problems.


Is  school able to assist adolescents on probation?

G. Figdor

Theoretical basis and problems of school's assistance to the adolescents on probation are considered. The ingredients of such an assistance are described - work with the parents and an adolescent himself and the role of teachers' counsel playing part of court prosecution. Prevention of crimes is discussed.


Special features of junior schoolchildren psychic states

A. O. Prokhorov, G. N. Gening

Typical for junior schoolchildren are motivational, volitional, emotional, intellectual and psychophysiological psychic states. They are most marked in the pupils of the first and the third grades because of the changes in social situation of development and in child's psychic organization.


Defense mechanisms: From individual toward group

V. L. Shtrooh

It is necessary to consider the phenomenon of psychological defense not only on individual, interpersonal level, but on group level of scientific analysis. The origin and development of the notions concerning personal defense mechanisms and their typology are presented and supplemented with the comprehension of the concept as applied to group. The latter is presented as a subject of psychological defense and its tendencies are connected to group dynamics.


Dermatoglyphic patterns in serial killers

N. N. Bogdanov, S. S. Samishchenko,

A. I. Khvylya-Olinter

Dermal ridges on the fingerprints in serial killers and normal persons were studied. The former demonstrated leftward asymmetry not so characteristic for the latter. Factors of deviant behavior in serial killers are discussed.


Working woman's feeling of guilt

O. A. Gavrilitsa

A feeling of guilt experienced by a working woman is shown to be one of the most marked determinants in her role conflict and a source of her role tension. Compensatory behavior due to feeling guilty is analyzed in four spheres: woman's interrelations with her children; professional career; marital interrelations; sense of self. Close connection of feeling guilty with the sense of self and own life model is underlined. Relief of guilty feeling and of role tension can be achieved by psychocorrection.


Double existence of soul and the possibility of Christian psychology

B. S. Bratus

The author discusses the possibility to return the notion of the soul into scientific psychology. He stresses the duality of soul interpretation: on one hand it is considered to be an organ of emotional experiences and feelings, on other hand it is argued to be eternal immortal substance and energy. The possibilities of these two sides' interaction are considered as well as the perspective of Christian-oriented psychology and psychotherapy creation.


Natural-scientific paradigm in psychology: The choice of reference-points

A. G. Bermus

The article is a response to E. D. Khomskaya publication (Voprosy Psyhologii. 1997. N 3). It represents a physicist's (teaching psychology) view on the future of psychology - it depends on the forming of interrelation between two poles: materialism - natural-scientific paradigm - determinism and idealism - humanitarian paradigm - indeterminism.


Children's psychologist P. F. Kapterev

(To the 150th anniversary)

N. S. Leytes

The article describes scientific heritage of well-known Russian psychologist P. F. Kapterev: the studies of child's holistic behavior, of age-specific and individual-specific differences on various stages, of individual-hereditary prerequisites of development.


The role of State academy of artistic sciences in B. M. Teplov's scientific fate

T. D. Martsinkovskaya, N. S. Poleva

The authors present insufficiently explored part of B. M. Teplov's scientific biography, connected with his work in the State academy of artistic sciences.


Life and scientific work of T. V. Kudryavtsev

(to the 70th anniversary)

V. V. Davydov, V. T. Kudryavtsev

Biography and scientific interests and achievements of well-known Soviet psychologist T. V. Kudryavtsev are described.


Longitudinal study of development in gifted pupils of primary school

E. Shcheblanova

The research has been carried out as a part of Moscow Longitudinal Study of Giftedness. Gifted pupils of the first grade have been selected by two-stage procedure: teachers' checklists and tests of intellectual abilities and creativity. A control group has included the children of the same age without selection. All the groups have been treated thrice: in the first, the second and the third grades. Intellectual abilities, creativity, motivation, and other personal characteristics have been observed. Significant differences between gifted and non-gifted schoolchildren have been found in cognitive and personal development. Average, high- and super-gifted children have been differentiated and evaluated. The results demonstrate that gifted children need special support, otherwise they cannot develop their intellectual and creative potential.


Creativity studies in modern foreign psychology

K. A. Torshina

The cognitive aspects of creativity in the works by foreign authors are reviewed. Some researchers consider creativity to be an independent process, others see it as the result of other cognitive function interaction. Contribution of various processes (imagination, thinking, memory) to creativity as well as the role of insight is very important. Problems of initiating creativity process, its normativity and different levels are discussed. Creativity process depends on the type and level of intelligence, imagination and memory. The problem of creativity product criteria (originality, the contribution to culture, usefulness) is considered.