On a problem of human being in psychology

B.S. Bratus'

The differentiation of notions "human being" and "personality" is substantiated and the consequences of such a differentiation for concrete notions of developmental norm and personality health demonstrated. The images and models of human being on which humanitarian and Christian approaches in psychology are based, are analyzed. For the first time the possibilities of moral-oriented psychology are detailed.


Preschoolers' learning activity forming based on schematization

S.A. Lebedeva

Special features of schematization as one of the types of sign-symbolic activity are considered. The author presents the model of preschoolers' learning activity organization using schematization. The peculiarities of its formation and its influence on child's psychic development are outlined.


Reflective diagnostics in educational system

E.P. Varlamova, S.Yu. Stepanov

The possibilities of psychological diagnostics using reflective approach are evaluated in conformity with authors' experience in dealing with educative managers in Karelia. Reflective diagnostics is used in order to create reflective-innovative environment for the participants. Special features of the method are the follows: the participants play active part in diagnostical process; they as well as organizers work out the method itself, its application and data processing.


The experience of common to all mankind values - cultural

symbols - consolidation in individual consciousness

T.M. Buyakas, O.G. Zevina

The problem of common to all mankind values (cultural symbols) transformation in personal ones is discussed. The necessity of "utmost personal meeting" with existing truths in order to adopt them is underlined. The method enabling to instill these values into sense sphere of personality is presented. The method is based on the state of intensive and stable attention concentration. Experimental results of this method application are shown.


Negative consequences of methodological orientation

to Marxism in consciousness studies

(the analysis of A.N. Leont'ev's works)

O.V. Gordeeva

The author argues that the studies of consciousness were hampered by Marxist methodology. The point is illustrated by A.N. Leont'ev's works analysis. The problems artificially excluded out of consideration are enumerated.





The participation in being

V.P. Zinchenko

The author presents his reminiscences about his teacher, outstanding Russian psychologist A.R. Luria.


Neuropsychological school of A.R. Luria

E.D. Khomskaya

The article describes post-Luria period of Russian neuro-psychology. The differences of Luria's neuro-psychology as compared to Western neuro-psychological schools are presented. Scientific, methodic, applied and educative work of A.R. Luria's school is shown and the main successes in clinical, experimental and rehabilitative neuro-psychology as well as new trends (child, senile neuropsychology, individual differences and border-line neuro-psychology, etc.) are enumerated.


On child's speech development studies

in Russian psychology

T.N. Trefilova

Child's speech development studies in Russia in XIX - first decades of XX centuries are reviewed and analyzed.


Cross-culture studies of infants' psychology

V. Romanova

The author endeavors to present foreign studies of infants' psychology in all its volume and development. There is a review of works on differentiation of universal and culture-specific factors in psychomotor, intellectual, language and social development of an enfant. The methodological problems discussed by foreign scientists are presented as well.