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The crisis of childhood and the basis for child's development projecting

B. D. Elkonin


To project child's development space it is necessary to hypotheses what period of childhood historical development is taking place—critical or stable. The crisis of childhood is characterized by the child's loss of the participation in adult life and of its comprehension. Three categorical constructs are used in theoretical description of childhood history: ideal form, eventful-ness. intermediation. Childhood crisis is a loss of ideal form, a crisis of eventfulness in child-adult life and a crisis of intermediation in between child and adult. Modern childhood crisis concerns the childhood in which the culture mastering stages coincide with maturation stages. The projecting of child's development space in critical period demands the objectivation of childhood contradictions and the determination of intermediatory's position and not educative system's reforms.


Junior schoolchild as a subject of learning activity

V. V. Davydov, V. 1. Slobodchikov, G. A. Zuckerman


The possibilities of learning self-dependence of junior schoolchildren development by means of learning activity are discussed. Theoretical analysis of developing mechanisms of learning activity shows three independent planes of its functioning: mental activity, cooperation, self-consciousness. Present state of learning activity theory and practice allows almost no realization of children's self-consciousness. It hinders full development of junior schoolchildren's reflective self-dependence, being the base of learning ability. The reserves of learning activity ensuring fill value learning ability realization in primary school are marked out.


Un-tradltional forms of social experience assimilation in educative psychology context
G.L. Il'in

The necessity of education psychology development is stressed because of the transition to permanent education and due to it psychological characteristics of students change. The education psychology is considered in broad context including education without teacher's assistance. One of its forms known as mutual education is described.


Spirituality and person-centered approach:

Interconnectedness in the Universum and in psychotherapy

M. V.-B. Bowen


The author explains what a person-centered approach means to her. It is based on three main assumptions about the nature of human being—the tendency for self-determination, the self-regulatory principle and the existence of an inner self. The difference between the psychological conditions of psychotherapy and supportive encounter are discussed also.



Personality: Definition and description


A shortened version of a chapter from a textbook (Krech D., Crutchfield R., Livson N. Elements of psychology. N. Y., 1974) is presented.


Concerning Russian psychology history


Some data on the first Russian psychological institute foundation are presented.


Developmental psychology problems (reading Mandelshtam's poetry)

V. P. Zinchenko

Continued from N 4, 5, 6 1991.