Psychology of training + Biological basis of psychology

Sergienko L. P. , Korenevich V. P. : Prediction of the speed of motor learning on the basis of genetic markers 87'3 p.145
Venger L. A. , Ibatullina A. A. : Correlation of instruction, psychological development and functional peculiarities of the ripening brain 89'2 p.20
Sergienko L. P. , Korenevich V. P. : The correlation of genetic and environmental influence on movement training in humans 89'4 p.154
Batuev A. S. , Sokolova L. V. : The correspondence of biological and social aspects in human nature 94'1 p.81
Aristova T. A. : Psychophysiological causes of difficulty in teaching reading and writing and how to overcome them 00'5 p.142