Psychology of schoolchildren + Biological basis of psychology

Khrizman T. P. , Eremeyeva V. D. , Belov I. M. , Bannova M. M. , Utyanova T. A. : Brain's functional asymmetry and development of speech in children 83'5 p.110
Tsetlin M. M. , Stroganova T. A. : Temperamental features in enfants suffering early visual deprivation 97'2 p.34
Egorova M. S. : Comparison of divergent and convergent peculiarities of cognitive sphere of children (age and genetic analysis) 00'1 p.36
Manelis N. G. , Kasatkin V. N. , Gorina I. S. , Vinogradova N. V. , Chirkova O. Yu. : Neuropsychological model of brain organization of higher psychic functions in children suffering bronchial asthma 00'1 p.46