Social psychology + Psychology of the students

Shcherbo N. P. : Peculiarities of individual and group problem-solving under conditions of common activity 84'2 p.107
Shcheglova Ò. Ì. : Forming professional orientation in students by means of optimization of the leadership structure in their groups 87'1 p.144
Dubov I. G. , Khvostov A. A. : Moral determination of behavior in mass ordinary awareness of large groups of population 00'5 p.87
Allakhverdjan A. G. , Allakhverdjan V. A : Emigration intentions of scientists and students of psychology 03'3 p.101
Ivanova N. L. : Social identity across cultures 04'4 p.65
Razumnikova O. M. : Interrelation of gender stereotypes and life values as factors affecting the choice of profession 04'4 p.76
Saenko Yu. V. : Superstitions of modern students 04'4 p.122
Vasilieva O. S. , Radishevskaya Ya. B. : Cadets' aggressiveness and social adjustment 05'1 p.29
Bovina I. B. : Ideas of health and ill health in youth 05'3 p.90