Psychology in general + Comments on the books, bibliography

Orlov A. B. : Weiner B. Human motivation (in Russian) 83'1 p.153
Liders A. G. : Deim L. , Lehr U. , Olbrich E. , Undeutsch V. Langschnittuntersuchung uber die Wirkung fruhzeitiger motorischer Stimulation auf die gesamtenwicklung des Kindes im 4. -6. Lebensjahr (in Russian) 83'1 p.154
Kornilova T. V. , Vasiliev I. V. : Fasnacht G. Systematische Verhaltensbeobachtung (in Russian) 83'1 p.155
Allik Yu. K. , Rauk M. : Lian A. The psychological study of object perception. Examination of methodological problems and a critique of main research approaches (in Russian) 83'2 p.152
Orlov A. B. : d'Ydewalle G. , Lens W. (eds. ) Cognition in human motivation and learning (in Russian) 83'4 p.156
Vasyukova E. E. : Nuttin J. Motivation et perspectives d'avenir (in Russian) 83'4 p.159
Osnitsky A. K. : Cognitive processes: Sensation, perception (in Russian) 83'6 p.136
Kornilov Yu. K. : Thinking: Process, activity (in Russian) 83'6 p.142
Bakanov E. N. : Pfaff D. W. (ed. ) The psychological mechanisms of motivation (in Russian) 84'2 p.157
Bahman T. K. : Long J. , Baddeley J. (eds. ) Attention and performance (in Russian) 84'2 p.158
Tikhomirov Î. Ê. : Problems in psychology of communication and thinking (in Russian) 84'2 p.163
: Methodological problems of psychology in V. I. Lenin's work "Materialism and empiriocriticism" (to the 75-th anniversary of publication) (in Russian) 84'3 p.5
Kaidanovskaya I. A. , Kotik B. S. , Kotik S. A. : Olson D. (ed. ) The social foundation of language and thought (in Russian) 84'4 p.157
Kukarkin A. Z. : Lumsden Ch. J. , Wilson E. Î. Genes, mind end culture. The coevolutionary process (in Russian) 84'4 p.159
Tsaregorodtsev G. I. , Gubanov N. I. , Alzhanov R. G. : Monographic study of the problem of the ideal (in Russian) 84'4 p.160
Velichkovsky B. M. : Zimbardo P. G. Psychologie (in Russian) 84'5 p.158
Kukarkin A. Z. : Salkind N. J. Theories of human development (in Russian) 84'5 p.159
Tokhtabiyev S. A. : Psychological problems of stress (in Russian) 84'5 p.166
Kuznetsova N. F. : McGhee Ð. Å. , Goldstein J. H. (eds:) Handbook of Humor Research (in Russian) 84'6 p.146
Bodaliov A. A. , Melnikov V. M. : Thematic review of dissertations on psychology defended in 1981 - 1984 85'1 p.5
Mishina T. V. : Man-learning-automatic (in Russian) 85'2 p.170
Kulagina I. Yu. , Zhuikov Yu. S. : Kuhl J. Motivation, Konflikt und Handlungskontrolle (in Russian) 85'2 p.172
Etkind A. M. : Apter M. J. The exporience of motivation (in Russian) 85'2 p.174
Matiushkin A. M. , Radzikhovsky L. A. : A system of psychological theory categories (in Russian) 85'2 p.175
Viliunas V. K. : Psychology of needs: steps to reality (in Russian) 85'2 p.177
Shmeliov A. G. : Psychology of feeling (in Russian) 85'2 p.180
Venda V. F. : Psychological tension in laboratory and natural conditions (in Russian) 85'3 p.172
Svirnova E. O. , Guskova T. V. : Patterson M. Z. Nonverbal behaviour. A functional perspective (in Russian) 85'3 p.173
Karpov A. V. : A review of V. P. Ganzen's book "Systems research in psychology" (in Russian) 85'3 p.180
Ilyasov I. I. , Malskaya O. E. : Bisanz J. , Bisanz G. L. , Kail R. (eds. ) Learning in children. Progress in cognitive development (in Russian) 85'4 p.165
Kaptelinin V. N. : Wilkinson À. Ñ. (ed ) Classroom computers and cognitive science (in Russian) 85'5 p.170
Kulikov L. V. : Discussion of B. F. Lomov's book "Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology" (in Russian) 85'5 p.177
Petrovskiy A. V. : Methodological problems in the study of psychology of collectives (in Russian) 86'1 p.175
Belavina I. G. : Psychological problems of computerization (in Russian) 86'1 p.180
Brusentsova T. N. : Anderson J. R. The architecture of cognition (in Russian) 86'6 p.145
Iliasov I. I. , Mozharovsky I. L. : Brainerd C. L. (ed. ) Recent advances in cognitive-developmental theory (in Russian) 86'6 p.148
Tikhomirov Î. Ê. , Znakov V. V. : Psychology and the science of information: Prospects for interaction (in Russian) 86'6 p.151
Galperin P. Y. : Theoretical-experimental study of the active nature of mental reflection (in Russian) 87'2 p.174
Rutman E. M. : Study of development of attention (in Russian) 87'2 p.179
Rogovin M. S. : Sarris V. , Pardussi A. The future of experimental psychology. (in Russian) 87'3 p.169
Bodaliov A. A. , Zeigarnik B. V. , Leontiev D. A. : The problem of the uncoscious: A move to a dialogue (in Russian) 87'4 p.163
Bahman T. K. : Parasuraman R. , Davies D. R. Varieties of attention (in Russian) 87'5 p.161
Iskoldsky N. V. : Obonai T. Perception, learning and thinking: Psycho-physiological induction theory (in Russian) 87'5 p.162
Losik G. V. : A new approach to the study of the internal speech (in Russian) 87'5 p.168
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'1 p.168
Boritchev A. A. , Vinogradov P. N. , Ronzin D. V. : Psychological atlas (in Russian) 88'1 p.174
Orlov A. B. : First Russian language encyclopaedic book on the psychology of motivation (in Russian) 88'2 p.178
Zadorozhniuk I. Ye. : To the reader at large on potentialities of self-regulation (in Russian) 88'2 p.184
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'3 p.154
Belous V. V. : A new approach to the theory of the integral individuality (in Russian) 88'3 p.161
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'5 p.169
Etkind A. M. : Theoretical mastering of new motivational problems (in Russian) 88'5 p.172
Feldstein D. I. : Theory of set: History and urgent problems (in Russian) 88'5 p.173
Kolominskiy Ya. L. : Psychology of emotional relations (in Russian) 88'5 p.178
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'6 p.146
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 89'1 p.162
Velichkovsky B. M. : Science, computers and the mind (in Russian) 89'1 p.170
Dorfman L. Ya. : Homo sapiens the emotional (in Russian) 89'2 p.158
Orlov À. Â. , Radzikhovsky L. A. : Odd motives or a tribute to the past (in Russian) 89'2 p.164
Bodalyov A. A. , Kouzmichyova I. A. : Issues of general, developmental, educational and social psychology on the XXIV International Congress of Psychology (in Russian) 89'2 p.167
Nemov R. S. : Conserning correctness of critics professional author's (editor's) ethics and quality of chapter "Collective" in "General Psychology" tex-book 89'3 p.127
Petrovsky A. V. : Concerning ethics, and not only professional one 89'3 p.132
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'4 p.167
Velichkovsky B. M. , Brusentsova T. N. : Elementary basis of general psychology (in Russian) 89'5 p.169
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'6 p.147
Zinchenko V. P. : Pathopsychology-to general psychology (in Russian) 91'1 p.156
Kuchinskiy G. M. : New approach to "cognition and communication" problem (in Russian) 91'1 p.159
Znakov V. V. : Conceptual psychological model for decision making (in Russian) 91'5 p.174
: Brief book review (in Russian) 91'6 p.164
Meshcherjakov B. G. , Zinchenko V. P. : L. S. Vygotsky and modern cultural-historical psychology 00'2 p.102
Nasinovskaya E. E. : From art to consciousness: hypnolog's experience (in Russian) 01'3 p.121
Krupnov A. I. , Mitkin A. A. : System approach in psychology: from perception to personality (in Russian) 01'3 p.123
Petrovsky V. A. : Idea of historism in developmental psychology (in Russian) 01'6 p.126
Morosanova V. I. : A paradigm of the subject: Methodology and studies (in Russian) 03'2 p.140
Selivanov V. V. : Continual genetic logic of studying the subject's mind (in Russian) 04'4 p.138
Morosanova V. I. , Shchukin M. R. : XX Merlin readings: system studies of human personality (in Russian) 05'4 p.146