Psychology in general + History of psychology

Leontiev A. N. : The problem of activity in the history of Soviet psychology 86'4 p.109
Yaroshevsky M. G. : L. S. Vygotsky: Search for principles of constructing the theory of psychology 86'6 p.95
Chuprikova N. I. : Did I. P. Pavlov's concept slow down the development of Soviet behaviouristic sciences 90'1 p.117
Yaroshevsky M. G. : The science of behavior: Russian way 95'4 p.5
Chouprikova N. I. : Ideas on development in the works of Russian thinkers of the end of XIX - the beginning of XX century 00'1 p.109
Yanovsky M. I. : Position of introspection method in psychology 01'1 p.91
: Commentary on the article by A. R. Luria (in Russian) 02'4 p.18
Stepanova M. A. : P. Ya. Galperin's contribution to the psychological theory of activity 02'5 p.28
Talyzina N. F. : Development by P. Ya. Galperin of the activity approach in psychology 02'5 p.42
Arievitch I. M. : P. Ya. Galperin's contribution to the activity theory: An integrated approach to instruction and development 02'5 p.50
Nechaev N. N. : A. N. Leontiev and P. Ya. Galperin: A dialogue across time 03'2 p.50