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of #6 2023





Personality in a changing digital world: new phenomenology and patterns

Martsinkovskaya T.D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the boundaries and possibilities of a person to realize himself professionally and personally in an ever-changing world. Particular attention is paid to describing the new phenomenology of the modern world. The content of the new concepts of VUCA and BANI worlds is revealed. The characteristics of the VUCA world are variability, uncertainty and complexity, and the characteristics of the BANI world are added to fragility, incomprehen-sibility and anxiety. It is shown that from the point of view of personality psychology, anxiety and precarity associated with the need to socialize and self-actualize in these worlds require not only the ability to separate and harmonize various types of activities and communication in a mixed space, but also a new level of meaningfulness of life and tolerance for uncertainty. New trends in the construction of digital identity are revealed, expressed in a decrease in the level of immersion in the network and the closure of personal profiles. It is shown that work, study, and leisure in mixed reality are becoming an integral part of the new digital everyday life. Its important characteristic is the concept of the “new normal,” which postulates the need to change the boundaries of normative reactions to a situation of change. A new phenomenology of requests from users of dating sites is shown. The personal characteristics and information preferences of users of the main sites, instant messengers and video hosting sites are revealed. The importance of maintaining emotional well-being and life satisfaction is associated both with the ability to use adequate coping strategies, primarily proactive coping, and the ability to predict the results of one’s activities.
The increasing role of information leads not only to a change in the hierarchy of information identity styles, but also to an increase in their influence on life satisfaction. The positive and negative aspects of the influence of the “phenomenon of fame,” TV series and films on the content of personal and sociocultural identity are revealed. Attention is focused on the increasing role of superstitions and mysticism, which reduce the negative impact of uncertainty on the psychological state of people and psychologically serve as coping strategies. In general, the conclusion is made about the need for an integrated approach to individual trajectories of personal development in the modern changing and uncertain digital world, while the focus of theoretical and empirical research should be the study of new trends in the processes of socialization and individualization.

Keywords: Self-realization, digital society, socialization, identification, digital everyday life, boundaries and opportunities for personal growth.


Psychological characteristics of generations of modern youth in a changing world

Poleva N.S.


The article presents an analysis of behavioral characteristics of young people, highlights the formation of new and transformation of existing forms of everyday activity. The connection between the emergence of new behaviors and the development of the Internet and digital technologies is revealed. Being an important component of the world picture of generations Y and Z, the latter act as the main trigger for the formation of a new digital lifestyle, the transformation of the main life spheres and practices of young people, as well as the formation of digital everyday life. The article emphasizes the main activities of generations Y and Z that are aimed at maintaining health, emotional state and psychological well-being. They are manifested in young people’s reduced use of alcohol and tobacco products, in the spread of everyday practices to take care of their physical and mental health, and in “postponing adulthood”. The psychological interpretation of the results of sociological research presented in the article is used as a way to mediate the theoretical study of generalized psychological characteristics of younger generations in a changing world. The chosen research method made it possible to describe the world picture of young people and their value system, including the values of their own life, health and healthy lifestyle, which corresponds to the main types of activity of this age group. The most significant factors of self-identification of younger generations are family, friends, work, hobbies and music. These factors harmonize with the values of self-development and creativity that are important to young people. The materials presented in the article show the significance of new attitudes aimed at determining work-life balance, as well as the increasing role of family, friends and interpersonal communication in the psychological well-being of today’s youth. The paper draws attention to the fact that the new age cohorts are characterized by a shift of attention from external standards of perfection, which are broadcast by social networks, to their internal state and their own needs.

Key words: young generations Y and Z, internet, digital technologies, value system, world picture, lifestyle.


Rapid automatized naming test: correlation with reading and norms for Russian-speaking schoolchildren

StaroverovaV.N., LopukhinaA.A., ZdorovaN.S., Dragoy O.V.


 The Rapid Automatized Naming test (RAN) is widely used in research practice for many European languages. It involves processes such as phonological and orthographic processing, symbol recognition, and articulation. As these processes are also involved in reading, RAN results correlate with reading skills in primary school children and predict reading proficiency in preschoolers. Despite the widespread use of RAN among speakers of different languages, the relationship between different versions of RAN and reading in the Russian language has not been investigated, and normative data on RAN performance by Russian-speaking children have not been presented. Using the Standardized Assessment of Reading Skills (SARS; Kornev, Ishimova, 2010), we divided 290 students from grades I to IV into typically reading and reading-impaired groups. Participants performed a task of rapid automatized naming of digits, where they had to name a sequence of digits as quickly as possible without pauses. The majority of participants also completed a task of rapid automatized naming of colors. We recorded the time taken to complete the tasks. In our analysis, firstly, we found that children with reading impairments performed significantly worse than typically reading children in both tasks, and the naming speed for digits and colors in both groups depended on the year of education. Typically reading children showed the most progress in both RAN tasks between grades I and II. Secondly, we observed that the better a child’s performance on RAN, the faster they read aloud. Thus, we confirmed the relationship between RAN and reading in primary school children in the Russian language. Finally, we provided normative data on the speed of naming digits and colors in grades I to IV.

Key words: reading, primary school children, rapid naming, standardized test.


The relationship between ñreativity and emotional well-being of university students during online learning

Avdeeva I.N., Kokodey T.A., Lyamina N.V.


Predicting the development of national and regional education systems in the Russian Federation, one can draw an analogy between the universal transition to forced distance learning associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential need for similar organizational changes due to the growing global military-political tensions. The increasing probability of restrictive changes in the organization of the educational process necessitates the development and implementation of special measures to prevent personal consequences of changing the format of education. Among them, we can note cognitive deficits, communicative and emotional problems. The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of creative abilities on the emotional well-being of students during their distance learning in a digital educational environment, using empirical data from the regional higher education system of Sevastopol. The toolkit includes, firstly, the verbal and figural subtests of the E.P. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking – to diagnose creative abilities, secondly, the author’s socio-psychological questionnaire “Emotional response of a student in the conditions of distance online learning” – to determine the emotional state of respondents during the period of online learning, and thirdly, the Pearson linear correlation analysis method – to determine the direction and closeness of the relationship between indicators of creative abilities and emotional state. The sample consisted of 257 randomly selected students enrolled in the bachelor’s program in various areas of training at the three main universities of Sevastopol: Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, and the Sevastopol Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
As a result of the study, a direct significant impact of the level of development of students’ creative abilities on their emotional well-being during the period of distance online learning was established. Students with more developed creative abilities show greater stability of the psychoemotional state during periods of social restrictions: they are less prone to stress, less prone to depression and anxiety. A significant concomitant result of the study was the identification of stress-reducing strategies used by students during quarantine.

Key words: distance learning, online learning, digital educational environment, creative abilities, emotional well-being, test, university.


Model of psychological research on personality Creativity

Poghosyan S.H., Aghuzumtsyan R.V., Petrosyan L.A., Khachatryan A.R., Ghazeyan Kh.À.


Creativity as a psychologically systemic quality of personality is highly relevant and in demand in the modern educational system for both students and university teachers. The authors propose a new model for studying and developing creativity. This model considers the level of creativity, personality traits that define it, factors that contribute to it, barriers that hinder its expression, other personal qualities and motivation. The aim of the study was to identify the criteria for the creativity model in university teachers holding leadership positions to develop a retraining program for them. The manifestation of university teachers’ creativity is determined by their personal qualities and a unique combination of barriers that impede its expression, as well as factors that facilitate it. Creativity can manifest (be “active”) or remain unexpressed (exist in a latent form). The authors hypothesize that it becomes “active” through overcoming barriers such as fear of making mistakes, stereotypical thinking, time constraints, and through qualities like courage and enterprise.
The study was conducted among teachers from three universities in Armenia (n = 123), who are candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors, professors and among state service managers as well (n = 68). The methodologies used included F. Williams’ techniques, interviews, and questionnaires to identify barriers to creativity and factors that contribute to it. The level of creativity among university teachers was found to be above average: they are capable of proposing numerous diverse ideas, including unconventional and original ones. University teachers are curious, bold, and inclined to solve complex problems but tend to underestimate their own creativity. The barriers identified include fear of making mistakes, unwillingness to seek additional solutions to various tasks, time constraints, stereotypical thinking, and the tendency to yield to the majority opinion. Factors contributing to creativity, according to teachers, include the desire for self-improvement and self-development. The personal qualities of teachers that determine creativity are not related to its criteria, which makes it impossible to provide an adequate assessment of their own creativity, leading to passive rather than active creativity.

Key words: creativity, university teacher, creativity criteria, personal qualities, barriers to creativity, factors contributing to creativity.


Psychology of morality as a developing scientific direction

Nekhorosheva I.V.


The article analyzes a database of 13.2 thousand psychological dissertations, a database of articles in the Scientific Electronic Library, a database of 24.5 thousand articles in 26 psychological journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. The dynamics of the absolute and relative number of dissertations and scientific articles on moral psychology over a period of 35 years, from 1987 to 2022, is shown. Analysis of two different databases gave the same results: two periods of growth in the percentage of moral topics in the total number of psychological works have been identified. The first period was a surge in the early 1990s, caused by psychologists’ concern about the destruction of the public moral norms system. The second period is a smooth growth from 1997 to the present, due to the gradual formation and growth of scientific and public demand for strengthening the moral foundations of society. In addition, in the psychological and pedagogical field, a six-fold increase in the number of articles with the prefix “moral” in the title was revealed from 2017 to 2019, the level of 2019 has remained the same to the present day. The process of formation of a new scientific direction is confirmed by the preparation of 372 dissertations, more than 60 psychodiagnostic methods, several thousand articles, as well as more than 72 monographs, collections of scientific articles and graduate texts about morality. The role of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the development of moral psychology and in recognizing its status as a promising and independent scientific direction is outlined. The numbers of citations of articles and collections of works by IP RAS in the field of moral psychology are given, confirming the demand for these works in the scientific community. The educational disciplines in moral psychology developed by psychologists for the higher education system are presented. It is noted that teaching such courses is becoming a relevant and timely trend in the development of higher education, and also contributes to the development of this scientific direction.

Key words: psychology, morality, psychology of morality, spirituality, development, dynamics, articles, dissertations, psychodiagnostic methods, educational disciplines.


Analysis of the results of the Stanford prison experiment from the point of view of the theory of psychosocial development

Ilyin V.A., Zvonova E.V.


The Stanford prison experiment is recognized by scientists as one of the most famous psychological studies in the modern world and attracts both close attention and fierce and biased criticism. The attention of many people to the results of the experiment is supported by the remaining large distance between the information broadcast by the academic community and the information presented to the general public through articles, films and other forms of mass communication. In the content of criticism and in discussions of the results of the Stanford prison experiment, there is a clear tendency to separate the psychological and personal characteristics of the study participants and those social conditions that were created artificially. According to the authors of the article, these articles pay insufficient attention to the socio-psychological qualities that are formed in the process of human development and socialization, in the process of overcoming the crises of the main stages of the epigenetic cycle. The authors of the article focus on the characteristics of the study participants given in the reports of the Stanford prison experiment, pointing to the dissonance that arose among the students when comparing the content of the contract they signed and the real conditions in which they found themselves. In addition, it is necessary to pay closer attention to the characteristics of the groups formed during the research process, in particular, not only according to the characteristics of “openness-closedness”, but also to the characteristics of “activity-passivity”, which create the basis for the behavior of members of these groups. Undoubtedly, modern social psychology needs its experimental development, the continuation of the tradition of collecting empirical data not only in post factum conditions, but also in specially simulated situations that make it possible to measure, control and manage external variables. The theory of psychosocial development makes it possible to create a theoretical construct that allows one to analyze various aspects of a person’s personal qualities as a member of society and a certain group. This can serve as the basis for empirical research in the field of social psychology. The use of modern tools, for example, the “Differential of Psychosocial Development” (DPD), will significantly develop the procedures for selecting employees to perform complex, morally problematic professional tasks.

Key words: Stanford prison experiment, experimental research in social psychology, psychosocial development, crises of the basic stages of the epigenetic cycle, group characteristics, closed group, socially approved behavior.


The appeal of computer games from the point of view of the basic human model values of S. Schwartz

Voskresenskaya N.G., Fortunatov A.N.


The resultsof the studyof the roleof students’ value orientations in theirplayful preferences are presented.It was suggested that students’ justificationof their game choiceswould reveal specific value orientations. Eight focus groups were conductedfor the study, with illustrationsof different versionsof computer gamesbeing presented as visual material. The discussionwas attendedby second-year students playing computer games (59 girls and 25 boys). It has been revealed that when justifying gaming preferences, students’ value positionsare manifested, while story games allowthem to satisfy needs related to different value motivational blocks. This manifestsitself the special roleof story games. They not only helpto correct emotional states; games allowyou to play value scenariosthat are difficultto implement in life, andthey are also create prerequisites forthe formationof a certain attitude towards your future.

Key words: instant insight, motivational personality typesof Schwartz, computer games, focus group, content analysis, value orientations.


The analysis of spatio-temporal boundaries of choice in the fate-analytical theory of L. Szondi

Korchagin V.V., Yeremina D.A.


The presented article offers a new interpretation of L. Szondi’s concept of fate analysis, redefined as a method integrating spatial and temporal dimensions to optimize an individual’s mental health. The individual is viewed as the author of their own life choices in love (libidotropism), death (thanatotropism), friendship (sociotropism), profession (operotropism), and illness (morbotropism), which are narrowly included in the psychological community with the familial unconscious. The subject of choice performs specific actions to develop (project and construct) their fate, constituting the fundamental psychological structure within which the process of self-determination unfolds. These key provisions of fate analysis are illustrated through theoretical examination of the influence of tropisms and the familial unconscious on personal choice in complex life situations. The paper proposes an integrated approach to understand-ing and resolving psychological issues related to choice situations. It emphasizes the necessity of comprehensively considering genetic predisposition and the cultural-historical context of the subject’s behavior and activities when providing qualified psychological assistance. The article highlights that the ability to make independent and conscious choices within predetermined genetic and cultural limitations is inextricably linked to the individual’s historical development and the formation of their value-meaning sphere in constructing their life path.

Keywords: fate analysis, L. Szondi, psychology of choice, familial unconscious, tropisms, hereditary factors, genetic predisposition, archetypes, chronotope, symbol, symbolic transformation.


Domain-general and domain-specific cognitive resources in verbal working memory: analysis of pupillary responses

Velichkovsky B.B., Chistyakov I.M., Barmin A.V., Prutko G.V., Izmalkova A.M.


The question of the nature and types of «cognitive resources» is one of the central ones in studies of human working memory (WM). A typical opposition of concepts used in this regard is that of domain-general, non-specific resources (which can be used by WM components in general) and domain-specific resources (which are used by only a specific component of the WM, e.g. verbal WM). In this work, we examined the change in pupil size as an indicator of «mental effort» when performing a verbal WM task in different conditions – no-load condition, verbal load condition (articulatory suppression) and visual load condition (tapping). The results have shown that mental effort (resource depletion) is especially evident under verbal cognitive load, when a person needs to retain more than four elements in memory. This suggests that within the «focus of attention» verbal WM uses domain-general, non-specific resources, while when going beyond this area, WM uses domain-specific verbal resources. Mental effort also increased when the first element of a memorized set was presented in the verbal load condition in cases where the size of the set exceeded the «focus of attention» (three to four elements). Participants were able to predict set size due to the predictable alternation of experimental conditions. It has been hypothesized that verbal cognitive resources can be used to implement metcognitive actions that help an individual control WM functioning.

Key words: working memory, cognitive resources, mental effort, pupil diameter, cognitive pupillottery, eye tracking.


On the microstructure and microdynamics of reading skill

Nazarov A.I.


Despite the existence of extensive and diverse literature on reading skill, covering its psychological, pedagogical, psycholinguistic, sociological and cultural aspects, the question of the microstructure and microdynamics of the formed reading skill remains not only open, but has not even been posed for experimental research. This article proposes to fill this gap, using the basic model of the operational composition of the reading process and the author’s modification of the word-by-word reading method. This modification allows us to build dynamic profiles of the reading process itself by processing the data obtained when recording the reading time of each of the text-forming words. Unlike the traditional version of word-by-word reading with a predetermined duration of word exposure, in our experiment the subjects themselves regulated it by pressing the “Space” key. As a result, the reading time of each word was automatically recorded as a function of its ordinal number in the text. The dynamic profiles had a heterochronic structure consisting of a quasi-random alternation of time intervals of different durations. The subjects (students of the I-IV non-linguistic courses of the Dubna University) read two simple texts in English and Russian word-by-word to themselves, and after reading each of them, they answered five questions in writing. The following served as indicators for assessing the level of reading skill: the average value of time intervals; their relationship to word length, measured by the coefficients of the linear approximation functions of the graph describing the dispersion of empirical data; quality of answers to questions. According to the obtained results, the first two indicators were on average the highest in the 1st year and gradually decreased towards the 4th. The quality of answers to questions was low in all courses, with the exception of the results of one or two students out of 10 in each course. A conclusion is made about the possibility of using the proposed experimental method, which is capable of assessing the current state of reading skills and developing an individual corrective strategy by the teacher to improve it.

Key words: word-by-word reading, semantization, semantic hierarchy, dynamic reading profile, word length.


Pilot assessment of the Russian-language version of the feeling of safety questionnaire on a sample of students in socionomic professions

Kislyakov P.A., Shmeleva E.A.


The review of Russian and foreign methods of research and diagnostics of psychological safety of a person and environment (educational, professional) is presented. In psychological science and practice there is a demand for reliable methods of psychological safety assessment in order to identify its level and the degree of influence on the development of other personal and behavioural characteristics. The aim of the work was to pilot evaluation of psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Security Questionnaire (SQ), developed by Chinese researchers C. Kong and L. An and widely used in the field of clinical psychology in the study of various aspects of mental health related to psychological security. The questionnaire consists of 16 items and includes two scales: interpersonal safety and confidence in control. The validity was checked using the methods “Trust/distrust of personality in the world, other people, self” (A.B. Kupreichenko) and the Scale of Tolerance to Uncertainty - MSTAT-I (D. McLain, Russian version by E.N. Osin). The study was conducted on a sample of 98 students in socionomic professions (pedagogical, psychological, medical) aged 19 to 26 years. Preliminary psychometric characteristics of the Russian-language version of the SQ confirmed its two-factor structure, reliability, consistency and validity. It was found that the psychological safety of students in socionomic professions measured with the SQ, in general (60.02 ± 13.78 points) and separately on the scales of interpersonal safety (31.89 ± 6.62 points).

Key words: security questionnaire, psychological safety, psychodiagnostics, students, socionomic professions.



 General psychology

 Developmental and
  pedagogical psychology

 Social psychology



 Higher mental processes

  of preschoolchildren

  of schoolchildren

 Psychology of training

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